Assessment is integral to high quality teaching & learning.
It helps us to ensure that our teaching is appropriate and that learners are making at least expected progress.
Across our school we will ensure that;
- Assessment is fair, inclusive and free from bias.
- Assessment is open, honest and transparent.
- Assessment is manageable for teachers
- Assessment secures high expectations for all.
- Assessment is appropriate to age, task and desired information.
- Assessment is accurate and consistent.
- Assessment supports comparison with other schools, both locally and nationally.
- Assessment outcomes provide meaningful and understandable information for pupils, parents and school staff
Our approach to assessment
All staff are regularly trained in our approach to assessment.
We have a leader who is responsible for assessment.
Our assessment embodies, through agreed criteria, a pathway of progress and development for every child.
Assessment also places achievement in context against nationally standardised criteria and expected standards.
Our assessment processes support;
- pupils in developing their learning;
- parents in supporting children with their learning;
- teachers in planning teaching and learning;
- school leaders and governors in planning and allocating resources
Judgements are formed according to common principles and processes to ensure consistency and draws on a range of evidence.
Assessment judgements are moderated by experienced professionals to ensure their accuracy.
Our method of assessment
Assessment serves many purposes, but the main purpose of assessment in our school is to help teachers, parents and pupils plan their next steps in learning.
We also use the outcomes of assessment to check and support our teaching standards and help us improve.
Through working with other schools and using external tests and assessments, we will compare our performance with that of other schools.
We assess pupils’ depth of understanding against agreed and concrete descriptions of what a pupil is expected to know and be able to do, based on the National Curriculum descriptors
Assessment judgements are moderated by colleagues in school and by colleagues in other schools to make sure our assessments are fair, reliable and valid.
Our use of assessment
Teachers use the outcomes of our assessments to summarise and analyse attainment and progress for their pupils and classes.
Teachers use this data to plan the learning for every pupil to ensure they meet or exceed expectations. Teachers and leaders analyse the data across the school to ensure that pupils identified as vulnerable or at particular risk in this school are making appropriate progress and that all pupils are suitably stretched.
The information from assessment is communicated to parents and pupils on a termly basis through a structured conversation. Parents and pupils receive rich, qualitative profiles of what has been achieved and indications of what they need to do next.
We celebrate all achievements across a broad and balanced curriculum, including sport, art and performance, behaviour, and social and emotional development.
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