At Woodingdean Primary we want every child to have the best opportunity to learn, and we believe Every Minute Counts!
• Arriving 5 minutes late every day adds up to over 3 whole school days lost each year.
• Arriving 15 minutes late every day is the same as being absent from school for 2 weeks a year.
• Starting the day rushed and arriving late makes it hard for children to settle in the classroom.
• Children who arrive late will miss vital information given at the start of the day by their class teachers.
• Arriving late in the classroom can make children feel anxious or embarrassed.
Attendance newsletter Spring 2024
School session times
EYFS 8.55am - 3.10pm
Infants 8.50am - 3.20pm
Juniors 8.45am- 3.15pm
On duty teacher supervises the playground from 10 minutes before the start time which is when the gates will be opened. EYFS/KS1 class teachers then collect their classes from the playground after the whistle blows at. On wet mornings children can go straight into class when the gates open, the bell will be sounded by the office to alert teachers. KS2 children can filter into class in the mornings from 8.35am so they are ready to start their learning from 8.45am. The playground is open 10 minutes before their start time.
Recognising good attendance
All children with 97% attendance for that week will go into the draw for Hot Choc Friday with Mrs Chumnansin.
All children with 100% attendance for the term will get a certificate and reward in assembly.
Weekly class trophies for the class with the most improved attendance in infants and juniors.
The impact of your child's attendance
Fixed penalty fines - term time holidays and persistent lates
It is our practice for all term time absences to be unauthorised. This is because we are committed to providing a full time education for your child on the 190 days a year they should be in school.
All term time holidays will be sent to our Educational Welfare Officer. Unless there are exceptional circumstances (such as bereavement following death of a close family member or service workers with restricted leave) you will be fined. Proof of exceptional circumstances will be required, such as a letter from your employer.
If your child is constantly late it impacts their learning and the learning of their class. 10 minutes late every day equals over a week of lost learning over the year. Over their time at Woodingdean, this would mean they lose half a term of learning. As we are committed to Every Minute Counts, we will pass persistent lates to our Educational Welfare Officer for consideration of a fine.
What if my child is ill?
Please call the office on 01273 680811 if you child is not going to be in school. The answer machine is 24 hours.

If your child needs to take medicine, such as antibiotics, antihistamines or pain relief, please speak to the office and complete our forms when you hand in the medicine. We will give medicine to support your child in school.
End of Year Celebration
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